The Effects of Stress and Their Impact on Your Health
Stress and health are closely connected. But what is stress? Stress is a response to a perceived threat or danger. Once upon a time, when humans were hunting and gathering, our stress response was triggered by an external danger. When that instinct was triggered, it was the body’s signal to release hormones that gave us quick wits and fast response times. This fight or flight instinct was vital to our survival.
Fast forward to our modern world. Most of us no longer need to hunt and gather to survive. Other “threats” now trigger our stress response, including factors related to things like work, finances, and relationships. Stress can be temporary or it can hang on long-term, affecting hormones, mood, illness, and all aspects of your health and wellness.
What are the effects of stress on your health?
The stress impact on health can be significant, both physically and emotionally. Consider the following downstream effects of stress:
Colds, flu, viruses, and other illnesses
Depression and anxiety
Heart problems or heart attack
Insomnia or sleep disruptions
Irritability and anger
Stomach and gastrointestinal problems
Substance use
Trouble concentrating
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