When can you get health insurance?
You can enroll in or change 2023 Marketplace health insurance right now. The 2023 Open Enrollment Period runs from November 1, 2022 through January 15, 2023.
Important dates
November 1, 2022: Open Enrollment started — first day you could enroll in, re-enroll in, or change a 2023 health plan through the Health Insurance Marketplace®. Coverage can start as soon as January 1, 2023.
December 15, 2022: Last day to enroll in or change plans for coverage to start January 1, 2023.
January 1, 2023: 2023 coverage starts for those who enroll in or change plans by December 15, 2022 and paid their first premium.
January 15, 2023: Last day to enroll in or change a 2023 health plan. After this date, you can enroll in or change plans only if you qualify for a Special Enrollment Period.
February 1, 2023: 2023 coverage starts for those who enroll in or change plans December 16, 2022 through January 15, 2023 and pay their first premium.
To get ready, sign up for emails to get deadline reminders and other important information.
You can also download this checklist (PDF, 242 KB) to make sure you have everything you’ll need to apply.
Still need 2022 coverage?
You can get health coverage for the rest of 2022 if you qualify for:
A Special Enrollment Period due to a recent life event, like losing other coverage, moving, getting married, or having a baby.
Medicaid, the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP), or a Special Enrollment Period based on estimated household income. More info at HealthCare.gov https://www.healthcare.gov/quick-guide/dates-and-deadlines/